All of these dogs are fostered by the St. Louis Senior Dog Project
please stop by if you are interested in adopting or fostering.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dogs of the Week Blog the Change

Hi everyone, this is Winken here writing, I am going to be the next  Featured Dog of the Week from the St. Louis Senior Dog Project on @STLSeniorDog The doxie girls, Thelma and Louise asked me to write the Blog the Change post for our cause.

Our cause is the St. Louis Senior Dog Project, the three of us and about 70 more dogs are currently being fostered in a home just like yours, in a home were there are probably already way to many dogs but there is always room to squeeze one more in :).

I was rescued in August 2009, picked up at a auction from a puppymiller closing his kennel. When you hear about puppy mills closing I think most people are worried about the poor little puppies in cages and forget about those older dogs that made the puppies, those older dogs that have spent their entire lives in cages. Their fate is pretty grim when a kennel closes down, you buy a puppy for 500 dollars and you find the older 7 year old dog being sold for 30 dollars at an auction. That's it, that is what a dog is worth to people that constantly bred them and never held them, 30 bucks. On the day of the auction people bid faster and higher for the puppies, and only a few groups, St. Louis Senior Dog Project among them, didn't turn their backs on the older dogs and on those not quite old but still in need of a home like me. My current foster mom Michel was there that day and I have been with her ever sense. I was in pretty bad shape when she first got me, I couldn't handle being picked up and I would loose control of my bowels if someone made the motion to touch me. I won't elaborate too much as too why I came to be this way, I think while I was at the puppy mill I lost myself, I know what you are thinking, that's pretty deep and I am only a dog, but every creature has its energy and mine was gone, I didn't know how to be a true dog.

My cause is the St. Louis Senior Dog Project because I have found myself once more, with love and patience and even more love. I have a second chance and its because of all their efforts. I am still looking for a forever home and I hope to find it soon because I am ready to start my real life.

Thank you for reading and if you want to see me or other dogs up for adoption please go to and if you want to check out our leader Ellen's super cool blog go to

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Road Dog Tales said...

Found you on Blog the Change Blog Hop! It's great to meet you. We knew there would be tears today! We are so glad you found your Mom and she found you. We love happy tales! It's gonna be a busy day! We'll go visit the Sr. Dog Project!
PeeS - you are a cutie pie!
The Road Dogs

Peggy Frezon said...

Hi! Senior dogs need love too. Great cause. I posted about another senior dog group, the Grey Muzzle Organization over at my site. Fun to be a part of the blog hop.

Maggie said...

What a darling face - and a great cause, too! Senior dogs deserve our love and attention. Great job bringing attention to such an important cause!

Marianne Pysh said...

As a mom to a 13 year old, GS- I can certainly relate to and understand that older dogs need love and attention too!

Thanks for blogging about this very important topic and for being part of Blog the Change!

Wiggles & Giggles,
Lucy & Her Human

24 Paws of Love said...

I'm so glad you found a home Winken, how wonderful someone is taking care of you with love. So sorry for all you had to go through. All our hearts are saddened for your pain. We hope you know you are worth more than all the money in the world and are so happy someone has given you hope and a chance. We all need a chance. Thank you for sharing your story.

Pup Fan said...

Great topic... I think we can all use a reminder that there are plenty of older dogs looking for a loving home. I hope that your thoughtful words encourage some people to open their minds to the possibility of adopting a senior dog. Thanks for the moving post.

Scout798 said...

Found you on the blog hop (though a bit late) ... thanks for your story. My best friend adopted a sr pup and he has been going strong for years ... they are best friends and I couldn't imagine them not together! Hurrah for the older and wiser ...